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Icon Art

This week we were very lucky to have Father Daniel come into school to speak to Classes 3 and 4 about 'Iconography'.  The children spoke with Father Daniel about our own religious art and were very interested to learn about icons and how they changed over the years, particularly within different religions.  The children were very intrigued to learn that paint used in iconography can be made using eggs!


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  • Life on the farm!

    Published 26/04/24

    This week Class 1 spent a day at Bertie's farm.

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  • Visit to East Soar

    Published 19/04/24

    On Wednesday Class 3 spent the day at East Soar.

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  • Explorer Dome

    Published 28/03/24

    The children all thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the Explorer Dome science workshops this week.

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  • Buckfast Abbey

    Published 22/03/24

    The whole school has enjoyed a visit to Buckfast Abbey this week.

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  • "We're going on a bug hunt!"

    Published 15/03/24

    Class 1 had great fun this week when they set off with their magnifying glasses, minibeast checklists and beady eyes to see how many little creatures they could find on the village playing fields.

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  • Author Visit

    Published 08/03/24

    We were delighted to welcome back to school the children's author Clare Helen Welsh this week as part of our World Book Day celebrations.

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  • The Last Supper

    Published 01/03/24

    As part of their RE lessons this week, Class 1 have been learning about Easter.

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  • Branching Databases

    Published 23/02/24

    Class 3 have started a new unit this week on Branching Databases.

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  • The story of Lent

    Published 09/02/24

    The children enjoyed making pancakes with Mrs Pearson whilst learning about Lent and the meaning of Pancake during their whole school assembly this week.

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  • Open Classrooms

    Published 02/02/24

    On Thursday we were very pleased to welcome parents and carers to our Open Classrooms event.

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  • Arctic icebergs!

    Published 26/01/24

    Class 1 has been looking at different ways in which polystyrene can be used as part of their topic work this term.

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  • Polar Explorers

    Published 19/01/24

    Class 1 took a trip across the land and sea to the coldest regions on the planet, the Arctic and Antarctica.


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