Dartmoor fun!
On Wednesday, some of our Year 5 children travelled to the Heatree Activity Centre for their annual residential visit.
Icon Art
This week we were very lucky to have Father Daniel come into school to speak to Classes 3 and 4 about 'Iconography'. The children spoke with Father Daniel about our own religious art and were very interested to learn about icons and how they changed over the years, particularly within different religions. The children were very intrigued to learn that paint used in iconography can be made using eggs!
On Wednesday, some of our Year 5 children travelled to the Heatree Activity Centre for their annual residential visit.
On Monday we welcomed Winona from the National Marine Aquarium to school.
This week our Spiritual Detectives led Collective Worship to share with the rest of the school the work they have been doing as Young Leaders with the Church of England.
In their Science lessons this week, Class 1 have been learning about the five senses.
Comparing Shapes
We attended our first church service of the term on Wednesday.
Our Christmas performances were held on Tuesday in the village hall. Parents and carers were treated to Classes 1 and 2 performing in the 'Magical Christmas Journey'. It was lovely to see a host of angels and shepherds walking through the village on their way to the hall.
On Thursday, with the help of our Chair of Governors, Mrs Greaves the children all made Christingles for our Christingle Service later on in the day.
The children have all been busy this week making Christmas decorations for the tree which we will display in St Peter's and All Saints Church for the Christmas Tree Festival.
Our school choir were very excited to sing at the switching-on of the Salcombe Christmas lights this week.
We were delighted to welcome Kirsty from Jays Aim to school today.
This year we decided to hold a Bake Sale to fund-raise for Children in Need.